Sounds like some awesome shielding from our adorkable protagonist. Check below the break for more info regarding this post.
Faraday cages, the Earth's magnetosphere, Twilight's force field, fallout vaults (or stables), Zion, you name it! These objects are meant to protect the occupants within them. This post, on the other hoof, was built just in case unexpected drama happens in the big base of EqD or some other bases.
I just hope things do not get worse. Also, it would be appreciated if this place would remain barren, as that would be a good sign that there's no large-scale drama. But of course, no one will stop you if you want to comment here, even if drama doesn't come. Remember, if drama manages to infiltrate this place, the macrophage (aided by the trusty antibodies) will bring that drama bringer to justice. Drama is an abominable entity to reckon with.
Just remember the laws of friendship that our adorable mares have taught us, and you'll be set.